
Alpha Male Personality

The alpha male personality is dominant in charge personality 

The man who believes in himself.

Alpha usually leads from the front.

A mind of his own.

This is the alpha male personality.

An today i’m going to show you what is and how to develop the alpha male personality 


Why Do You Need The Alpha Male Personality

This personality is something every man needs to have.

If you want to do anything great in life you need to believe in yourself.

You can’t be a leader of a family,business or your life if you don’t believe in yourself.

If you want to be the man other men follow you need to develop this personality.

Alpha males are usually at the top of the social hierarchy.

They live the most fulfilled lives.

And usually the man most women want to be with.


Alpha Male Personality Traits 


I’ll start with the top trait with confidence.

An alpha male believes that no matter what happens in life or any other situation you will raise to the top.

You believe in your abilities no matter what the situation.

An alpha male never doubts his abilities.

Even in the face of failure you know that you will get back up regroup and try it again until you are successful.



Real men respect other people, especially women.

When people think about alpha males they usually think of the buff cocky dickhead that’s not an alpha.

There’s a whole group of internet alphas that builds their followers around disrespecting women that’s not alpha mentality or personality.


3.Purpose Driven

Real alphas live with a purpose.

Most men spend 90% of their time thinking about women while alphas spend most of their time doing things that move their lives forward like starting a business or working on a career etc.

Whatever it is that you want to achieve in life whether that’s being the next Elon Musk or Lebron James or Mahatma Gandhi.


3.A Man Of His Word

There’s a saying “The most attractive thing a man can do is exactly what he says he’s going to do”

There’s no worst trait to have as a man then a liar.

Other men won’t respect you.

Women will definitely not respect you.

Real men keep their word.

If you say you’re going to do something, do it.

Especially with yourself if you say you’re going to the gym or you’re reading one new book a week do it.

No excuses keep your word



Alphas stands up for himself.

He doesn’t let anyone run over him.

Alphas we are gentlemen and nice to everyone but if you try to take our kindness for weakness we will cut you off and not sacred to call you out on your bs.

Alphas also stand up for others when you see something that’s wrong.

It’s the leadership traits to do the right thing in all alphas 


5.Acknowledges When He’s Wrong

It takes a lot of maturity to admin when you are wrong.

Most people blame other people for their mistakes.

Or just flat out lie.

But Alphas don’t,when you see that you’re wrong admit and if there’s people involved you apologize.

Don’t be the person every time you’re wrong it’s somebody else fault.

And whenever you’re right you’ll brag about it.



The first and most important alpha personality trait with leadership is self leadership.

You lead by example.

You don’t have to be the boss to be an alpha.

However, it’s a skill that most alphas have.

You dont wait until everyone does something.

When you see whats needs to be done you do it and let the pack follow by your example



Alphas don’t need to be told what to do.

They can see what has to be done at take charge.

Most people especially in the work place needs to have the boss watching over them making sure they’re getting the job done not alphas.

In fact most alphas hate to be under the control of someone else especially with their career.


8.Controls Emotion

When people are under stress or mad that’s usually when you see what kind of person they really are.

Alphas don’t lose their shits when they’re upset.

Whether it’s with a female pissing you off.

Or some guy at the bar that getting on your nerves.

Learning how to control your emotions is a hard one but one that separate the boys from the men.


The Biggest Alpha Male Personality Myth



This is one of the biggest myths about being an alpha.

You don’t have to have the mike from Jersey Shore personality

 to be alpha.

In fact I highly discourage this type of behavior you will not become a better man by acting like this.

Instead you should try being as respectfully as possible in all situations.

The key is to be nice but not a pushover and have confidence in yourself and your abilities to get what you want in life. 

Alpha Male Personality With Women

There’s a big myth that if you act like you the shit all the time 

And don’t show women any attention then she will become more attracted to you.

Couldn’t be more wrong.

Women actually hate the stereo typical alpha with the big muscle that works out all day and lift weights sharing himself kissing the guns 

You might get a few women like this but I promise it’s not lasting for long.

Nobody wants to be around the person who only thinks about himself and is selfish.


What Alpha Male Personality Do Women Like

Women love all the alpha charactics without you being an ass.

Women love confident,assertive, take charge kind of guys.

But you have to be emotionally intelligent with it as well.

You have to be a caring and loving alpha with it.

Respectfully and appreciative of others.

When you combine the alpha characteristics with the empathy and compassion you become the alpha all women want.


An alpha is not a buff dick head who is way into himself.

An alpha is also emotionally intelligent.

Caring, loving and respectable of others.

Motivated and confident individual.

If you read and practice the characteristics above.

You will make it a habit and have the alpha male personality that everybody loves.

You’ll be the guy every mans wishes he was 

And the man every woman wishes she had