
7 Biggest Reason For Lack Of Self Confidence And How To Fix Them

What is lack of self confidence?

Low confidence is not believing in yourself. You don’t believe that you are worthy of great things.When you face challenges you probably don’t believe that you have what it takes to accomplish whatever the challenge is.The first step to fixing lack of self confidence is understanding how you develop low confidence

1.Child hood 

A lot of people develop confidence from the way they were raised. When kids are supported and cheered on when they try new things like walking and talking they can develop confidence to try new things. Also when they failed if your partners comfort you telling you that you could do and supported and cheered you on that’s develop and sense that you could do anything you sit your mind too


Vice versa

If your parents were emotional abusive

Telling you that you are stupid and will never be anything 

Whenever you were excited and try new things they never support and encourage you.

An when you failed at things, instead of comforting that would say I told you so.

This could develop low confidence so the reason you don’t have confidence probably isn’t even your fault.



Although you can go back and fit the way you were raised.

My best advice is to accept that your parents were probably going through things themselves that’s why they couldn’t develop confidence in you because they didn’t have it either.

Most parents want the best for their children, sometimes that can’t express love to you when they don’t love themselves

2.Grade School 

In grade school from Elementary to High school is an important factor in developing confidence and self esteem.

If you were an outsider aka nerd were unsocial this definitely could be a big reason for you not having confidence.

High school is a time when you kind of get a feel for how good you are in groups and where do you fix in.

If you had a bad experience you probably thought you are just bad with people.

And now you prefer to stay out of social environments.



People in grade school were childish and just kids.

Sometimes you still have the build up from being picked on as a child but those kids were just doing what kids do.

Don’t take it too heart y’all were just young kids.

It doesn’t matter anyone one of the best thing you can do is look good and happy so when they see you later in life they wish yall were friends in high school.



The biggest way people lose self confidence is failure.

Whether it’s an individual task or life in general failure will damage your self esteem.

My personal journey to losing confidence came from constant failure in business so i can speak for myself with this one.

When you fail it will have you questioning your self worth.

And can easily make you feel like you’re not good enough.



The solution to failure is simple dont f*cking quit.

We all struggle with things whether it’s a business or putting on muscle.

It’s simple, keep going, be consistent, you only fail if you quit.

Remember when you are losing everybody counts you out until you win.

Don’t let sh*t get too you up keep f*cking going.


4.Comparing Yourself 

With the internet and social media this can be a big cause of killing your self confidence.

Everybody on social media is balling traveling and an influence.

Claiming they’re making 6&7 figures while traveling the world living the dream.

And you probably see somebody in your age group that graduated doing all these things and wondering why you are struggling.

This is a huge mistake and self confidence killer because you don’t know what they did or even if they’re telling the truth.

Comparing yourself to other is a not healthy thing to do

Whether social media or somebody you know dont it.



Stop comparing your step 2 to other people step 10.

You don’t know how long someone has been doing things.

They could be lying about their success for all you know.

If anything, use other people as motivation.

If they do it you can too.

Your time will come 


5.Hating things about yourself 

We all have features about ourselves that if we could go back and recreate ourselves we’ll probably fix.

Maybe you have a big nose or you’ll short or have bad hair genes 

Whatever it is your probably paying too much attention to it

An you’ll probably think that every notice your big nose or bald head

When in reality most people don’t care honestly we all have things about how selves that’s not perfect.

Learn to appreciate your imperfection cuz when you stop noticing other people will too 

The good news is that they already do



Like I said before, you need to learn to appreciate your imperfections.

Nobody cares about your bald head or that you are short honestly.

Will some people notice of course 

But it doesn’t matter 

Be yourself and be proud of who you are.

Once you stop caring about it nobody including you will notice 


6.Being a pushover 

This is one of the ways people develop self confidence and tricks you into believing that you’ll be a good person.

Being too nice and back boneless letting people walk all over you does not mean people will like you nor does it make you a kind person.

Letting people walk all over you to the point where you always feel emotionally drained is not smart.

This will lead to you being pushed over not respected and you will personally won’t feel good about yourself this is a lose-lose situation.



Stand up for yourself.

Stop trying to please everybody.

If somebody is not acting like you need them to act let them go.

Stop telling people what they want to hear. In fact this actually will make people dislike you in the long run.

Because when they realize that something was wrong with them but you kept telling them everythings ok they’ll never trust your opinion again.

Yes men are not good friends


7.Too critical 

Over judging yourself can be a good and a bad thing.

There’s nothing wrong with having high standards but constantly criticize yourself 

and never giving yourself a pat on the back will destroy your happiness.

And you will never enjoy your success along the way because you’ll always be thinking about the things you did wrong completely ignoring the things you did that were right and made you accomplish your goal. 


Learn to celebrate your accomplishments whether it’s big or small.

Stop worrying about the next thing ang focus on the now.

Show appreciation to others. 

This will help you appreciate yourself.



There are a lot of reasons for lack of self confidence.

From childhood to adulthood.

Some things we couldn’t control like the way our parents comfort us.

To adulthood things like being like failing at goals.

Either way you could work on and change your lack of self confidence to live better lives and be the man you always knew you could be.


If You Want Me To Personality Help You Become The Man You Know You Should Be CLICK HERE

Books You Need To Read On Confidence

1.The Self Confidence Workbook: A Guide to Overcoming Self-Doubt and Improving Self-Esteem 

2.think and grow rich

3.you are a badass how to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life

4.get out of your head stopping the spiral of toxic thoughts

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