
What Increases Masculine Energy?

7 Things That Increases Masculine Energy

Masculine energy is something every mans needs to have. Whether you consider yourself an alpha sigma or beta male you still need it. Masculine energy and being a manly man seems to be disappearing from our society today. An men are becoming more feminine .

When most people especially women think of a man its usually a manly man that chop wood down from tree’s hunts his food and knows how to fix things around the house.

So if you want to become a manly man keep reading this article is for you.


Men it comes to increasing your masculine energy you will need to increase your focus. Being focus and goal driven with your life and ambitious taking care of business. Providing and handling business is one of the top reasonability’s of a man. An too handle business you need focus.

You also need to be focus when it comes to dealing with people. Having masculine energy is about making others feel good comfortable and having a safe space when you’re around them. And you could only do this by listening and being only focus on them when someone is talking to you.

An when people feel like you are focus on them especially with women it gives them the feeling on you being a great man. This is the same for all people family and friends as well.

Focus also helps you being present with things. When you are working you need to be in a 100% work mode getting things done. When you are at home with your girl or kids you need to be 100% with them. You don’t need to be at work thinking about home. An at home thinking about work.

Being a focus men increase your masculine energy become a man that takes care his business.

2.Emotional Control

If you cant control your actions you’re a little boy not a man therefore you cant have masculine energy. Being emotional immature is the exact opposite of what masculine energy embodies.

Masculine men are in complete control of their actions. They don’t let little things causes them to get out of character. Not to say that sometimes you wont get mad because you will. But masculine men mentally prepare for things like things so when it happens they know how to act.

Masculine men are also emotional available and knows how to express his emotions. It’s a myth that goes around the men community that men don’t cry or have feelings were just suppose to deal with it. This is a lie and a cover up invent by men to hide our emotions this is very unhealthy for you and your love ones around you.

Learning how to healthily express your emotions instead of holding things in is a sign of a strong men. If you dealing with things real men can amid it and seek help and get their self back on track.

Because you need to be strong and healthy to keep the people around you and your life healthy. Masculine men knows this that’s why we practice and invest in our mental health.

3.Be Selfish With Your Time

You can’t do everything or be everywhere at once. Most important men that value themselves are very picky with what and who they give energy and time too. Masculine men are very focus and intentional with their time and energy so letting people waste it is a no go.

Make everyone fight for your attention and time. Don’t give it away for free (I’m not saying charge people for your time I mean don’t let people do stupid stuff with it). As a masculine men people should feel that your time is important by the way you run your life on a consistence schedule.

So if somebody think they can come to your on a Wednesday night to go to the club and get drunk when they know you get up everyday at 5:30am to start your day is less likely too happen. Now you can have fun as a human I think its important to take breaks to prevent burnout but that doesn’t mean go to the club every Wednesday night either.

Also with women I think this is very important. Giving your time and energy to women who don’t deserve it is something masculine men wont do. Make women earn your time (This doesn’t mean be a dickhead to women what I mean is don’t give your attention to women who is not wroth it. If she has get potential to be a asset in your life go for it. If not don’t)

Practicing being selfish with your time and giving all your attention to improving your life and bettering peoples situation around you will most definitely increase your masculine energy.

4.Challenge Yourself

If you want to grow and become the masculine men you dream of you must challenge yourself to grow daily to become him. Its no way you can stay the same person and accomplish your goals. If you are not growing as a man everyday then what are you doing?

Masculine men live to be challenge and grow its apart of what drives us. You should use every chance you have to grow whether in the gym you should be growing. In your career you should be gowning as well. If you’re ever in an situation or environment where you feel you can’t grow anymore then its time to go somewhere else.

Consistently waking up everyday to be a better person than you where yesterday its the motto for the masculine men. If you get up everyday and just do that be a little better than the day before. Your masculine energy will increase drastically.

5.Body Language

55% of all communication is body language. Most people could feel your energy before you even say a word. When you walk in a room if you want to greatly increase the chance of people thinking your masculine then you must fix your body language.

When you see certain men before there even open their mouth you knew that they where a confident strong man just by the way he carry himself. This is the vibe you want to give off so how do you do it. By fixing your posture and control your movements.

When a man stands with their shoulders squared off and hips facing forward with hands down at the sides, it is a dominant masculine stance. This means that the man is extremely confident in himself. This is the message you want to send strong confident and masculine.

Stop fidgeting and touching your face or rubbing your legs. These type of movements sometimes looks erratic and nervous. That energy will rub off on others and makes people suspicious and uncomfortable around you. Control your movements keep your hands still and look calm and collective.


This should’ve probably had been higher on the list because if you look like a fat out of shape slob then nothing will help you increase your masculine energy when you have breast like a women. Workout is a commandment a nonnegotiable for a masculine men. How can you do anything if you don’t have energy to do it.

If you are a men and you’re walking around with men boobs you obvious don’t take yourself serious as a man so why should anyone else. You probably don’t feel like you have any masculine energy because you don’t have any energy at all.

If you want to increase your masculinity you need to workout. As a men your job is to get up everyday to conquer your goals help your family and community. An you need your mind and body to be your best for you too be at your best. How could you try to become a better person and increase your masculinity if you cant get to the gym or do some push up at home then go for a run.

Getting yourself up everyday starting or end your day with discipline knowing you need to workout to be at your best will most definite help you increase your masculinity. When you look in the mirror you want to see a man that handles his business. Not a man with female boobs.

 7.Be Consistent

You need to show up everyday and do what you need to do. We are creatures of habits and if you do all the things above everyday then your masculine energy will increase. An when people think about strong men they think of consistent men who gets up and take care of business everyday not sometimes.

You cant be a man and be unreliable man. You need to know that you’re somebody that can be counted on to do things right. People need to know that they can count on you to show and be the best version of yourself everyday.

In the gym you need to be accountable to yourself to go everyday. At the end of the month you need to be able to pay your bills every month. Your family should be able to count on your emotional support to love and protect them everyday not sometimes.

Being consistent is the only way you can achieve your goals of increase your masculine energy. You may struggle with some of the things listed above in the beginner of your journey. But if you keep trying one day you will have all of these qualities. But until you do the only thing you can control is showing up everyday and trying. This is how you increase your masculine energy.