
How Can A man Gain Confidence? Follow These 6 Steps

How can a man gain confidence? Do these things 1.Fix your appearance 2.Carry yourself well 3.Control your emotional 4.Go After Your Fears 5.Stop Breaking Promises To Yourself 6.Believe

Let me explain why you need to do these things to a increase your confidence as a man.

How Can A Man Gain Confidence?

Having confidence as a man is everything its what being a man is all about the belief in yourself to conquer the world. When people think of a man its usually two elements confidence and masculinity. So if you lack confidence do you feel like the man you think of when you as I am a man? I’ll let you decide.

So if that answer was no or even may so this blog I’m going give you the 6 things you need to do starting today to become more confident as a man and turn that answer to fuck yes.

1.Fix Your Appearance

If you look like sh*t nothing else I’m going to tell you will work. Its not a motivation speak in the world that can help you become mentally confident when you hate the person you see in the mirror

Especially if the reason is because you don’t take care of yourself. Stop walking around in old baggy dirty clothes. I’m not saying you have to become a model. But you need to find a style that fits you and that you’re comfortable with.

If you feel dont comfortable in suits then dont wear suits. If you dont feel comfortable jeans and t shirt then dont wear it. But find a style that fits you also you’re age and value’s.

Lucky for you I am a mens image consultant and also a stylish guy myself if I must say (not to brag or anything).Or you can read the fashion content on the blog. If you need more help transforming your image go to the contact page and email me. Or go to my LinkedIn Rashard Charismatic Kings 

2.Carry Yourself Well

Stop walking around like a sad puppy with your head down making yourself look unconfident. Having confident is a verb you could trick yourself into being confident.

Lets do this exercise

Describe to me what a unconfident man looks like? You probably said something like walk with his head down. When sitting down he’s slouch over in the chair not sitting up straight. Has closed body language like he’s scared too talk to anyone. Not making eye contact like he doesn’t want’s anyone to see him.

Now think of a confident man what does he look like? Probably the complete opposite of what we just said. He’s probably well dress. Walking talk like he’s somebody important and has somewhere to be. Sits up straight with great strong posture when sitting. Has open body language greeting and smile at people has he makes his way through the room.

Now which one of those men would you want to be around date or lead your team? Probably the second guy. Remember this for you to feel unconfident first you have to act as if you’re not. Fake it too you make it you don’t have to be completely confident too start acting like it.

3.Control Your Emotions

Control yourself dont get out of character.If someone says or do something that makes you upset keep your cool.Think before you act is a major trait of a confident man. Don’t let people see you all mad and out of control.

Has a man you need to be more logical then emotional. Think things through dont let how you feeling make a decision for you. If something happens like you’re in a bar and someone spill a drink on you dont just react and starting acting like mr tuff guy.

Calm down think for a second see why it happen and go from there. Even when things get a little out of hand for example you spill a drink on the guy now he acting out of control(he didn’t read this blog post).You still keep your cool dont let your emotional take over stay in control.

When you’re control of your emotions and become a man and use your logic. You could think about things reasonably.

Is it worth getting into a bar fight. Risking possibly having the fight get out of control somebody getting shot and killed. Or going to jail or having someone press charges on you. Because some guy acting tuff in a bar. No its not.

Its not wroth it and that’s something only logical confident man does. Stops and thinks about things if nobody has put their hands on you its ok. Its ok to let it go. This type of self control makes you more confident and desirable to be around

4.Go After Your Fears

There a few different fears we have 1.the unknown 2.failure 3.Phobia’s

All three differently the first 2 has the same cure to the disease. Massive f*cking action

Most people let fear stop them from living the life they should. Fear of what will happen if you quit your job and start this new business you always wanted too. What will happen if you try and fail. Will everybody look at you as a failure. Questions we all ask and the answer is nobody cares its your life not theirs.

The fear of the unknow and failure are ridiculous because nothing has even happen yet you’re just making stuff up in your mind. An doing anything that’s out of your comfortable zone is scary but do it anyway. Realizing you’re scared is normal but that doesn’t mean stop.

Even fears like phobias a lot of people are scared of public speaking. How you get over this is go speak in public. You’ll see after you do it that nobody cares and you’re still alive. After a few times you’ll still be scared but do it anyway because you know you can. Because you conquer that fear before. An that will build your confidence.

5.Stop Breaking Promises To Yourself

I think all these points are important. But if I had to pick just one that can make the biggest impact on your life I’ll pick this one.

One of the biggest reason men lack self esteem is your brain knows you’re full of sh*t and not going to do the things you say you going to do. Every week you say you’re going to the gym on monday. Next week comes and you dont go workout. You stay you’re going to start that podcast this month. The day comes and guess who doesn’t start the podcast you.

You may be able to fool some people but you can’t fool yourself. Your brain knows who you are full of it. An wont do what it takes just like you do with going to the gym and starting your podcast.

That’s why you must keep the promises you make to yourself and be a man of your word. If you know going to the gym for 5 days is too much. Start small and keep that promise instead tell yourself that you’re going to go 3 days week. Do something but whatever you say make sure you do it.

Don’t break that promise this will build great self confidence because you know when you say you’re going to do something you will.


Once you start keeping your promise to yourself you’ll start to believe not only in yourself but your dreams. Most people see people living the life of their dreams and instead of seeing it and realizing they can do it too. They say things like this person got lucky or must have came from successful family because they don’t believe things happen like that can happen to anyone. An definitely not them

The man who believes is the man who achieves you have to believe you can do great things. You can have the life you dream the girl you want its all possible if you believe you will do whatever it takes too get the things you want.

This kind of belief in yourself with all the lesson above is how you become confident as a man.