
What Is Confidence? And How Could It Change Your Life

Confidence is something we all hear about. We hear we need it in business to close more deals and make money and to be good with women.But the question is what is this confidence thing everyone says you need to have?


Confidence is simply the belief that you can do anything/accomplish you set your mind too.No matter what happens you know that you will rise above it and accomplish your goal.And you take actions on this belief.Confidence is simply a inner belief.And no matter what happens you’ll be ok because you belief that can figure it out


Why Do You Need Confidence? 

To achieve great things or to do anything successful starts in the mind.

No matter how big or small if you don’t believe you can do it you won’t.

If you don’t believe you can’t get that job,start that business or get that woman of your dream you won’t.

But if you believe that you can get that job, start that business or get that woman you will.

You have to believe in yourself this will cause you to take the actions needed to succeed with anything in life.


Are You Born Confident?

The short answer is no.No one is born confident.

However there are people that are born with natural high self esteem and some can be born a bit of a narcissist.

But most people don’t develop their confidence naturally.

As early as a couple of months babies can develop confidence usually from parents cheering and celebrating small accomplishments like walking and talking.

The praise they receive as a child develops the belief that they can do anything and wants to continue doing great things to get more praise and celebrations.


Can Confidence Be Learn?

Yes,just like anything else it could be learned.

The more you tell yourself you are worthy of the things you want and you want to stop until you get them.

The more you will believe and act on these goals and achieve them.

Every Time you do these things you will become less nervous.

And you will soon start to feel like you can actually do these things you set your mind too.

This belief overtime will cause you to take massive action because you feel like you are worthy and you are actually acting like on these beliefs

You will start to figure it doing whatever is needed to get what you want.

This will make you more confident if you practice and actually do these things it will build the belief in yourself.


Confidence Skills and Why You Need


Confidence and Life 

Your social life is where most people learn to be confident.

You need to believe that you can do anything.

That you can get in the best shape or live the life you always dream of.

People usually like to be around people who believe in themselves.

People who have big goals and dreams like Lebron James or Elon Musks they dreamed big and doing big things that’s why everybody wants to be like them and wants to be around them.


Confidence And Career

From entrepreneurs,ceo and top executives at fortune 500 companies they all accredit their success to one thing their mindset.

In one of the top success books books think or grow rich by napoleon hill he interviewed some of the top successful people in american history some are the richest people to ever live like Andrew Carnegie where he said that his fortunes were due to his positive mindset and countless others too.


Confidence And Dating

There is nothing a woman loves more than a confident man.A man that just walks and talks like he’s got it going.

He sits like he is in charge.

He talks like he is in charge.

He’s a gentleman but not scared to say what’s on his mind.

She knows that if you choose to be with her she’s lucky because you have big goals and believe in yourself and your places in life because you have big goals and will not stop until you get them.

And she would love to be by your side to go on that journey with you.

Because you are going to live the life most dream of.

This is the type of guys all women love..

Can you be Too Confident?

Yes but not really.

You don’t want to become delusional.

There are some things you can’t do like fly or jump into space.

Or you don’t want to be arrogant talking about yourself every chance you get.

Usually as long as you don’t become delusional or arrogant you’ll be fine.

There is nothing wrong with believing you can do big things in life or whatever you set your mind too.


Should I act confident even if I’m not?

Absolutely I know you heard the saying fake it until you make it.

With building confidence this can actually help.

If you walk around with your shoulders tall.

Your smiling and greeting people.

You are not scared to say what’s on your mind.(Politely)

And you keep saying to yourself that you can do anything and you act like it.

That acting will actually create a confident version of you.

I actually recommend that you act confident even if you are not.


How Confidence Can Changed Your Life 

When you believe in yourself that you are worthy it changes every part of you.

In your personal life you are happy and fulfilled because you are setting goals to be the person you always want to be knocking down every challenge you face.

You want that dreambody guess what you know you hit that gym 7 days a week if that’s what it takes.

You want that dream car,you do whatever it takes, you’ll start a business or invest in assets to make enough money to afford that car.

You want that girl of your dream,you walk up to her and ask her out if you get rejected the next time you see her you’ll try again with another approach.

Even if you have to ask some of her friends for tips and suggest about how can you get a date 

with her whatever it is you will do it.


Confidence Building Exercises 

1.Believe in your start telling yourself you can achieve things and that you are worthy of those goals.


2.Starting setting small goals and doing them.Set a goal to go to the gym 3 days a week and do it no matter what.It could be rainy cats and dogs still go.


3.Say hey to 3 women when you’re in the store and do it it doesn’t matter what they say overcome the fear and just do it.


4.Whatever fear you have, try to break them.If you are scared of dogs go to an animal shelter, find a non threatening dog and volunteer to play with it.Do something you fear so you can see that it’s not that big of a deal and your still alive so you’ll be ok.


5.Let go of all people and things that are not benefiting you.It doesn’t matter if it’s family,friends or a relationship that needs to even let it go.


6.Practice, enjoying time alone once you get comfortable with being by yourself and being ok with it.

You will not let people come around you and waste your time or disturb your peace.Once people feel that you will not let them be around you if they are not benefiting you they will instantly respect you.


7.Start dressing in clothes that makes you feel good about yourself.When you feel good you look good.





Confidence is simply the belief that you can do anything/accomplish anything you set your mind too.

You need it to do anything in life, business/career or dating.

This is a skill you can’t avoid if you want to live a good life.

And be the person you know you should be.

So start practicing it now.

You can start by doing the exercises and reading the books below this will definitely help you increase your confidence.


Confidence Books you need to read

1.The Self Confidence Workbook: A Guide to Overcoming Self-Doubt and Improving Self-Esteem 

2.think and grow rich


3.you are a badass how to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life


4.get out of your head stopping the spiral of toxic thoughts

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